Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Law of Attraction or just simply Happy Thoughts

They say if you attract negative energy it goes back to you. The same with positive energy. So I try very hard to think about positive things, happy thoughts (Peter Pan!!!). If you think positive thoughts you attract positive energy. I also know this because of a book entitled Book of Secrets, they also have Book of Secrets for Teens. It's especially made for teenagers like me. It talks about the Law of Attraction. Which is what I was talking about in my first few sentences.

Last year my section won in the Best Play and in almost every category there is in the English Play. During the Playfest what we were all thinking about was that everything will all go smoothly and that we can do it. We attracted positive energy. We believe that was part of why we one. We were all so optimistic that we'd win.

I tried experimenting that theory almost on everything, and it does work with almost anything. If you cloud your mind with negative energy, how could you concentrate with the negative energy eating and pulling you down? Next time, always think positive.

'Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!'
Peter Pan

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